Nech už začne tá škola, lebo tu zhnijem. 

Som zamilovaná do Gaela a každá žena, ktorá má oči, musí byť tiež.

Nie som moc na animáky, ale toto je srdcovka pussy riot

nedeľa 26. augusta 2012 Leave a comment

Oh she tastes like sunlight. And she's always gonna be there in the back of your mind.

Pri prehrabávaní sa nekonečnými zásobami dream popu/shoegazu/indie/experimental/bla-bla človek narazí aj na niečo pekné a príjemné :) Go go Birmingham (teda tie prvé dve).

a na zobudenie zo sna...každý si pamätá Big City Life ale oni sú vážne celkom dobrí

a nemôže chýbať

nedeľa 19. augusta 2012 Leave a comment

London loves

(Decided to write in English because it just fits the moment)
My annual London trip to visit my brother, this time just for a week, the highlight being Blur at Hyde Park Closing Ceremony Concert on Sunday (amazing, I love Damon too much) and Damien Hirst's exhibition in Tate Modern which left pretty strong feelings in me, mostly positive I think, or as good as they can get after seeing a freshly severed cow's head being eaten by flies. But the butterflies were pretty. And the Olympics of course, I didn't have any tickets but at least saw the marathon runners in the streets. And the atmosphere really felt like all the nations connected with no difference between people. And to the more shallow but still a favourite part of the trip - shopping was great, so many beautiful things in the autumn collections (along with me being too lazy to rummage through the sale piles) that I spent far too much but hell, I don't care at least once a year. Yeah, and to the typical English question, weather was fine, warm enough and it rained only like two or three times. Bye London and see you in winter maybe.

streda 15. augusta 2012 Leave a comment

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